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Dealing with boredom and loneliness


I remember when I was a child and I lived in a country town. Shopping and movies were not a reality there. At the time, there was no cable TV, no smartphone, no YouTube, no Spotify, no Netflix, no Whatsapp or anything else that involved the internet.

When my mother said that I was an only child, people would panic and say, “Oh my God, you need to give her siblings ASAP ” Today I clearly realize that these people only had one another to escape boredom. They could not imagine another way to deal with that situation. But if I may say so myself, I did very well in my own company.

Of course, I felt bored sometimes. I would lie on the floor of my room and look at the ceiling without hope of something to do and wished somebody to play with me. But most of the time I relied on my own company and creativity to spend time. It worked for me and, I confess, it works out today!

Being good about lonely has a lot to do with self-love. We live in such a rush that we often forget about ourselves. While some people see boredom and loneliness with sadness, others see an opportunity to look at themselves and relax.

I love my own company. I REALLY DO! Without anyone around, I feel free to think about life, to mature projects, to test ideas … I take care of myself, write my texts, make delicious food, listen to music without a headset. Small things, simple, but that fills me so much! You may think it´s strange, but like everything else in life, you have to try.

I remember a thousand things I could do if I were alone now. But I’ll create a list with 20 of them to inspire you!


1. Listen to all the songs that only you love, with no one to complain

2. Read texts or watch inspiring videos (Ted Talks is really good)

3. Watch series

4.Organize your wardrobe and separate everything that needs to be donated

5. Change the arrange of your furniture

6. Make a face mask or moisturize your hair

7. Put an end to that mess that you never do anything about

8. Call someone you haven`t spoken in a long time

9. Think about your next dream trip

10. Do yoga

11. Stimulate your creativity (mine works great when I’m alone)

12. Try to play an instrument (many people are ashamed to play in front of other people, so it may be an opportunity)

13. Test a new recipe

14. See old photos (it was one of my favorite things when I was a child)

15. Remember to relativize loneliness because we are never alone. God is always here with us 🙂


No. I don`t say that lonely is amazing. I like to have a few moments alone, but I’m happy 99% of the time I’m surrounded by the people that I love. If you feel bad or depressed about being alone, seek help. No shame, huh?

What about you? Do you like being alone sometimes?



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