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Real life

  • InBeauty

    The ideal body is the one you have today


    Our body is precious. We are born small than we grow and spend all of our lives with this same body. We may even want to change, but we can`t! It’s impossible!

    How many times do we look in the mirror and want to be leaner, fatter, taller, lower? We want a bigger butt, smaller hips, whiter teeth. And worse than that, one day we want big breasts and months later we already think that smaller breasts are more harmonic. All these thoughts can cause disgust of our bodies. We were angry that we were born with this or that and spent hours thinking about a magic solution. We believe in miraculous advertisements and make sacrifices that destroy not only our body but our soul.

    The ideal body is the one you have today. What I mean by that is that your body, just the way it is now, is going to push you forward in your decisions. It sleeps and wakes up every day with you; it is with him that you move, work, meet friends, eat and everything more. Regardless of the future, it is the body you have today that will take the next steps with you.

    It’s ok that you want to change your body. And you can do it at a certain point in your life. What we need to consider, in the first place, is the feeling we have about ourselves, you know? You can be sure that it won`t be a diet, a rhinoplasty or a botox that will change your relationship with who you are. The plastic and procedures change some dissatisfaction, but they don`t change our essence or the way we see the world.

    Second, go deep into your consciousness and ask if your aesthetic look is too exaggerated. In times of social networking, it is possible that some people confuse “real life” with “Instagram feed.” And believe me, they are totally different things.

    Lastly, don`t leave your response. Make responsible decisions! Evaluate the professionals you will look for, ask questions, get references, think 1, 2, 3, a thousand times. Take one step at a time and don`t try to be someone else, but the best version of yourself.

    Love yourself. Pay attention to the way you look at your body; broaden your knowledge about food; never neglect your emotions and thoughts, and never compare your body with other people.
