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Music Video

  • InLifestyle

    This Is America: the new Childish Gambino`s music video

    Childish Gambino is actually called Donald Glover and is one of those multipotential guys. He acts, writes scripts, does comedy, sings rap … He always ventures between completely different areas! He has already won two Emmys, Grammy, Golden Globe and others awards in the most categories and everyone was speculating on what would be his next project.

    This Saturday, 05/05, the internet crashed: two new Childish songs were released on the “Saturday Night Live”. The two songs are very different from one another. The first one, Saturday, is very light and easy, the ones that make you want to dance, you know? The second one, called This Is America, is loaded with political and social discourse. It talks about racism, weapons and police. And it still came to us with an incredible music video.

    Directed by Hiro Murai, the video takes place in a huge warehouse where Gambino dances freestyle or amazing choreographs and performs scenes that refer to armed violence in America. Indeed, one of the clearest references is to the Charleston mass shooting, where a white sniper killed nine. Biblical references, scenes of police and terrorist violence are also added throughout the other takes. In the end, in a dark scene, a Gambino full of anguish close the video clip in slow motion and leaves the viewer without reaction. In fact, we must attend more than once to assimilate everything.

    This is just a source of the next Childish Gambino album due to be released later this year. Unfortunately, it will be probably the last one. While we don`t have news about that, enjoy this wonderful 4 minutes music video.

    What did you think? Shocking, huh?

